Sometimes, life offers us subtle yet powerful lessons in the most ordinary places, like a grocery store parking lot. Last night, I experienced one such lesson that resonated deeply with me and provided a fresh perspective on decision-making and abundance.

The Grocery Store Incident

I had to make a quick stop at the grocery store last night. As I signaled to turn left, the car in front of me did the same. The driver ahead of me quickly realized that a car parked directly in front of the store was preparing to leave. Naturally, they decided to wait for that prime parking spot.

The Decision to Wait

The waiting driver anticipated that the spot would soon be available, but the parked car took its time in pulling out. Minutes passed, and it became evident that the wait was longer than expected. As the seconds ticked by, I glanced around and noticed another empty spot in the same row, just one lane over. Not wanting to waste any more time, I maneuvered my car around the waiting one and parked effortlessly in the newly found spot.

The Lesson of Abundance

This seemingly mundane incident reminded me of a profound truth. Often, in life, we find ourselves stuck, waiting for a single opportunity to materialize. It might be a job, a relationship, or any situation we believe has no alternative. We become so focused on that one option that we unknowingly delay our progress, stagnate, or even cause ourselves unnecessary stress and frustration.

Scripture Reference: John 10:10 – “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Operating from Abundance

When we operate with an abundance mindset, we recognize the multitude of opportunities available to us. This mindset frees us from the chains of waiting and allows us to see beyond what is directly in front of us. Instead of focusing on a single option, we become open to the many possibilities God has placed before us.

Practical Applications

  1. Evaluate Your Options: Take a step back and look around. Are you unnecessarily waiting for a single outcome when other opportunities are available?
  2. Be Flexible: Life is dynamic and ever-changing. Be willing to move and adapt as new opportunities present themselves.
  3. Trust in God’s Provision: Believe that God has plans to prosper you and not harm you, to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). Trust that He provides abundantly.


The next time you find yourself waiting for a single opportunity to pan out, remember the lesson from the grocery store parking lot. Life is full of possibilities, and sometimes, moving forward means shifting your focus and exploring other options. Embrace the abundance God has provided, and trust that there are plenty of ‘parking spots’ available just for you.

Call to Action: Have you ever found yourself waiting unnecessarily for one option while other opportunities were available? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below. Let’s support each other in embracing an abundance mindset.

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Last Update: July 23, 2024