We often underestimate the subtle ways in which our everyday routines can reveal profound spiritual truths. One morning, while making my bed, a simple observation transformed into a powerful reminder of how our lives should reflect our time spent with the Lord.

The Discovery

As I was straightening my pillows, I noticed an oily spot on the pillow I prop against the one I sleep on. It’s no mystery—I anoint my head with olive oil every night before bed, a habit that has become a cherished part of my spiritual discipline.

Signs of Presence

The olive oil reminded me of how certain activities leave unmistakable marks. When someone has been baking, you can often find flour on their clothes, face, or apron. If they’ve been cooking, perhaps splashes of tomato sauce or oil are left on their attire. Those using wood or charcoal for cooking typically carry the smell of smoke. These signs are physical evidences of their activities.

Spiritual Evidences

Just as these activities leave physical traces, spending time with the Lord should leave spiritual traces. The Bible says in Matthew 7:16, “You will know them by their fruits.” Our lives—our speech, actions, and demeanor—should be evidence that we have been in the presence of God.

Visual Parallel: Think of a baker covered in flour after hours in the kitchen. Our spiritual ‘flour’ might be the peace that surpasses all understanding or the joy that radiates through us, even in trials.

Renewed Mind and Different Desires

When we spend time with the Lord, our minds are renewed (Romans 12:2), and our desires begin to align with His will. This transformation becomes evident in our speech and actions. We speak words of life and encouragement, demonstrating patience and grace.

Scripture Reference: Romans 12:2 – “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

The Fragrance of Christ

2 Corinthians 2:15 tells us, “For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” This metaphor of fragrance aptly illustrates how our relationship with God should be perceptible to others. Just like the scent of smoke clings to one who has been near a fire, the “aroma” of Christ should be evident in our lives.

Practical Ways to Reflect Time with God

  1. Consistent Prayer and Study: Make time daily for prayer and Bible study. Let God’s Word transform your speech and actions.
  2. Show Kindness and Grace: Allow the love and grace you’ve received from God to flow through you to others.
  3. Practice Forgiveness: Reflect God’s forgiveness by being quick to forgive those who wrong you.
  4. Live with Integrity: Let your actions match your words, showing that your faith is genuine.


Just as oil stained my pillow, let the time spent with the Lord mark your life in evident ways. May your speech, desires, and demeanor reflect the transformative power of being with Him, illuminating the world around you with His love and grace.

Call to Action: Take a moment today to reflect on how your life is demonstrating your time with the Lord. Share your thoughts or practices that help you stay connected with God in the comments below. Let’s encourage each other to be the unmistakable aroma of Christ in our daily lives.

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Last Update: July 23, 2024