Starting a new job can be both exciting and daunting, especially when it involves new technologies and platforms. Recently, I embarked on a part-time journey as a therapist on an online platform, and it wasn’t long before I encountered my first major challenge: poor reception.

The Initial Struggles

From the outset, I noticed that the reception during my online therapy sessions was subpar. At times, I couldn’t hear my clients clearly, which was understandably frustrating for both parties. Although I ran multiple tests through the platform, I never delved into the feedback about my network setup.

The Breaking Point

One particularly challenging session ended prematurely due to the poor connection. Determined to solve the problem, I decided to run a comprehensive test on my laptop. Sound: check. Video: check. Network: “Your device is not acceptable for video sessions; phone sessions may be better.”

Realizing the issue was network-related, I called my internet provider. They recommended getting an ethernet cord and a USB port to ensure a stable connection. Eager to resolve the issue, I followed their advice.

New Setup, Same Problem

That evening, my excitement was palpable. With my new setup ready, I looked forward to a smooth session. Alas, 10-15 minutes in, my client said, “You’re choppy, [Your Name]. I can’t hear you.” Nervousness set in. I began to pray, asking God for favor so that we could at least complete the session.

Mercifully, we managed to finish, but it was clear—I needed a new device. My trusty Chromebook, a Christmas present from 2017, just wasn’t cutting it anymore.

A Practical Solution

The next day, I headed to Costco and purchased an HP device. Upon setting it up, I conducted all the necessary checks: Sound, video, network—everything passed with flying colors.

This experience reinforced a critical life lesson: while prayer is essential, practical solutions are often required to address the issues we face. Just as God guides us spiritually, He also provides wisdom for practical decisions.

Scripture Reference: James 2:17 – “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”

The Balance of Prayer and Action

Some challenges in life are spiritual and require fervent prayer. Others are practical and need actionable steps. Knowing when to pray and when to act—or often, to do both—is a crucial skill.

In this situation, prayer provided me with calmness and favor during a difficult session, reminding me of God’s presence. However, addressing the root of the issue required a practical step: upgrading my device.


Starting my part-time job as an online therapist highlighted the importance of balancing prayer with practical action. While I could have prayed endlessly for a better connection, the solution lay in recognizing the need for new technology. This journey taught me that God’s solutions often involve both divine intervention and human responsibility.

Call to Action: Have you experienced a situation where you needed to balance prayer with practical action? Share your story in the comments below. Let’s encourage each other to seek both divine guidance and practical solutions in our daily lives.

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Last Update: July 23, 2024