ILife has a unique rhythm and flow, much like the changing seasons. Having lived in both Liberia and the United States, I have witnessed firsthand the distinct patterns that nature follows. Liberia experiences two main seasons: rainy and dry, while the United States enjoys four distinct ones: spring, summer, fall, and winter. This variation in climates is a poignant reminder that our lives, too, go through different seasons.

Discerning Life’s Seasons

I recently had the pleasure of listening to a message by Apostle Joshua Selman on discerning seasons. The sermon was eye-opening and has profoundly impacted my understanding of life’s natural ebb and flow. Drawing from Genesis 41, Apostle Selman spoke about Pharaoh’s dreams of seven skinny cows and seven fat cows, interpreted by Joseph to represent seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine.

Seasons Changing Alt text: Trees showcasing different seasons; spring, summer, fall, and winter

Lessons from Pharaoh’s Dreams

In Genesis 41, Joseph explains the dreams to Pharaoh, stating that seven years of abundance would be followed by seven years of severe famine in Egypt. This interpretation wasn’t just a warning but a strategic lesson on preparation. Joseph advised Pharaoh to store surplus grain during the plentiful years to ensure survival during the years of lack. This biblical story teaches us a valuable lesson: it is crucial to prepare and store up resources during prosperous times to withstand the inevitable periods of scarcity.

Scripture Reference: Genesis 41:34 – “Let Pharaoh appoint commissioners over the land to take a fifth of the harvest of Egypt during the seven years of abundance.”

Applying This Wisdom to Our Lives

Just as the weather transitions from one season to another, our lives continuously cycle through periods of abundance and scarcity, joy and sorrow, growth and stagnation. Understanding this cyclical nature helps us to better navigate the highs and lows.

Practical Steps for Each Season:

  1. During Seasons of Plenty:
    • Store Resources: Save money, cultivate relationships, learn new skills, and build your spiritual and emotional reserves.
    • Express Gratitude: Be thankful for the abundance you are experiencing and use this time to give generously to others.
  2. During Seasons of Lack:
    • Rely on Stored Resources: Utilize the financial, emotional, and spiritual reserves you’ve saved.
    • Stay Faithful and Patient: Trust that this season will pass and use it as an opportunity for growth and reflection.

Embracing Each Season with Grace

Recognizing the season you are in allows you to act wisely and make the most of the opportunities it presents. Whether you are in a period of plenty or navigating through a challenging time, embracing each season with grace and wisdom is key to thriving.

Scripture Reference: Ecclesiastes 3:1 – “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”


Understanding life’s seasons and preparing accordingly can make a significant difference in how we navigate through life’s challenges and blessings. Just as Joseph wisely advised Pharaoh to prepare during the prosperous years, we too should recognize the seasons of our lives and act with foresight and wisdom.

Call to Action: What season of life are you currently in? How are you preparing for the next one? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below. Let’s support each other in embracing and understanding the different seasons of our lives.

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Last Update: July 23, 2024